Here are the most common mistakes in freight transportation


The freight transportation industry has changed significantly in recent years, especially with the advent of the Internet, as buying habits have changed. As a result, many companies have had to increase their range of services and their transport fleet to meet the demand.

However, there are still some mistakes made in the transportation of goods that should be avoided in order to prevent delivery delays. Here we will discuss some common mistakes in distribution, one of the main areas of focus for companies to remain profitable.

Lack of cargo insurance

If the goods are not insured, or at least not sufficiently insured, this can lead to problems. For this reason, it is important to analyze the contractual coverage carefully in order to know which claims are covered and which are not. It is also necessary to calculate the value of the insured goods to avoid unpleasant surprises during transport.

Labeling defects

When the truck is about to leave, it is important to ensure that all goods are properly labeled. Moreover, an error in this area can lead to the loss of the package or a late delivery, which would result in a risk of damage. To avoid this problem, it is advisable to opt for a good labeling system.

This is even more important for international shipments, as the language shock can be greater if the labeling is not correct. In these cases, it is best to follow the relevant ISO standards for labeling standards.

Not choosing the right transportation system

A large company must consider the most appropriate transportation system depending on the type of transportation it has, whether it is land, sea. To do this, it is best to evaluate the prices and delivery times, as it will be easier to decide which system is most suitable for each package.

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